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The Team

J. David Giese

CEO and Cofounder

Yujan Shrestha, MD

CTO and Cofounder

Jim Luker

VP of Regulatory

Meri Martinez

Project Manager & Regulatory Affairs

Ethan Ulrich, PhD

Software Engineer, AI/ML

Matt Hancock, PhD

Software Engineer, AI/ML

Pablo Hernandez-Cerdan, PhD

Software Engineer, AI/ML

Reece Stevens

Senior Software Engineer, Full Stack

Juan Pablo Centeno

Software Engineer, AI/ML

Joshua Tzucker

Senior Software Engineer, Full Stack

Bimba Shrestha

Software Engineer, Full Stack

Grace Adams

Software Engineer, Full Stack

Ilya Spivakov

Software Engineer, Full Stack

Russell Kan

Software Engineer, Full Stack

Quinten Sodia

Junior Software Engineer, Full Stack

Sam’an Herman-Griffiths

Junior Software Engineer, Full Stack

Core Competencies

Web, Mobile, Desktop and Cloud

Django, Python, Typescript, React, Svelte, AWS, iOS, Android, Bluetooth, C++/C, Qt

AI/ML Development

Nvidia MONAI, Tensorflow, Onnx, ML Flow, nnUnet, PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning

Medical Imaging

Numpy, Scipy, ITK, VTK, PIL, Numpy, Scipy, OpenCV


pydicom, HL7, FHIR, Epic App Orchard, DICOM PDF encapsulation, structured report, OHIF

Regulatory and eQMS

510(k) documentation, presubmissions, SaMD specific eQMS

A list of our core competencies

Success Stories

Innolitics's engineers seamlessly integrate with our existing team. They’ve consistently produced high quality work while helping us solve technical problems in the medical imaging space. In particular, they spearheaded development of a large module that extends our existing product suite. This module has since been cleared be the FDA (K153014) and is live at hospitals around the world. Their work on the module involved software development, researching various image processing algorithms, analysis of these algorithms against real-world data, and writing detailed technical documentation of the system that justified its approach to the FDA.

Nathan Childress, PhD, DABR
Associated VP at Varian Medical Systems

Innolitics has been invaluable in developing some components of our cloud-based analysis software for preclinical imaging. They expertly implemented an AI tool for the analysis of DICOM data and helped us with training and optimizing a prototype neural network. Their developers work independently, handling complex challenges with ease, and deliver top-quality results. It's been a pleasure working with the dedicated and professional team at Innolitics, and we highly recommend their services.

Alex Klose, PhD
CTO and Co-Founder at InVivo Analytics

"During a presub, the FDA acknowledged Innolitics were 'extremely advanced' in their understanding of the regulations. The FDA essentially concurred with all of Innolitics' advice, demonstrating a deep understanding of the regulations, even in the face of ambiguous topics such as CADe vs non-CADe"

Ilya Pyatnitskiy, MD
Cofounder of AUMI AI

"I needed a software development partner to write the software, train the AI, and get FDA clearance (K202229). An investor once told me that it would take me $5 million and 5 years but Innolitics got me here 3 years ahead of schedule and $4 million dollars under budget."

Andrew Smith, MD PhD
Cofounder at AI Metrics

"We recently got FDA cleared for an AI/ML SaMD and Innolitics' responses were absolutely clutch to craft the strategy that finally worked. Unlike other consultants, who wanted us to spend more money on clinical testing, Innolitics found a path using our existing data we received the best Christmas present ever – our 510(k) clearance letter"

Tushar Pandey
CEO at SimBioSys

"Innolitics is an incredible partner and consistently surpasses our expectations. They have an extremely agile team, adapting to our needs across back-end and front-end tasks seamlessly. When we needed support around ISO 62304 compliance for FDA requirements, they jumped right in and provided us compliant documentation. They also assisted us as we developed a regulatory strategy around FDA Cybersecurity and HIPAA Compliance (K191804). The Innolitics team is efficient, fair, and highly ethical. They are an absolute pleasure to work with."

Ryan Shelton, PhD
CEO and Co-Founder of PhotoniCare




Do you only only provide engineering service or regulatory?

We can do each service separately or combined for a one-stop-shop solution.

What if I am not finished annotating my data?

We can train the model as your team annotates data. You can see the algorithm performance improve over time. We can repeat the annotation and training cycle until we have met our performance targets 

How much does it cost?

It depends. Click to get a free estimate.

Cloud GPUs are expensive. Do you provide an alternative?

Yes. We have powerful machine learning servers on site that we use for your project—free of charge.

I already have an algorithm. Do you just do the 510(k)?

Yes. See our done-for-you 510(k) service.

I already have a consultant. Do I need you?

We actually work with regulatory consulting firms to provide their clients a deeper level of technical guidance than what most regulatory professionals are equipped to do.

Do you offer just data collection or clinical performance assessments?


Our Clearances

We built and/or helped FDA clear these devices.

CT Cardiomegaly

Deep Learning powered AI/ML detects cardiomegaly on CT

AI Metrics

Deep learning powered AI-assisted DICOM viewer


A DICOM viewer for a Teleradiology Platform


A DICOM viewer for a clinical image viewer


OCT middle ear scanner

AI/ML Annotation Platform


AI/ML Breast MRI Quantification

Envisionit Deep AI

AI/ML X-ray Pathology Detection

Add My Device

Why Us?

We are Specialists

We are laser focused on SaMD and AI/ML. We are thought leaders in this space.

We are Generalists

We know the code and the regs. We can go a level deeper than most consultants.

We are Experienced

We have over 12 years of experience with over 50 medical device software projects completed.

We are Engineers

We can tell you exactly what command to run instead of just repeating standards and guidance

We are a one-stop-shop

One contract. One vendor. One point of contact. Zero points of failure.

We are Confident

We know SaMD so well that we can guarantee FDA clearance.

Guaranteed FDA Clearance.